On the role of dislocation substructure of hot deformation and bore microadditives on the formation of lamellar pearlite during continuous cooling rolled steel



substructure, dislocations, hot deformation, high-carbon steel, rolled steel, microalloying, boron


Abstract.The aim of the work was to study the characteristics of the impact of the dislocation substructure of hot-strain austenite in high-carbon steel and boron microalloying education lamellar pearlite after plastic deformation during continuous cooling. Materials for the study were steel grades 85 and 85R. Methods used: metallographic (optical, electron microscopy – scanning and transmission), X-ray microspectral analysis. Conclusions. Has been further developed model of formation of pearlite in the high carbon steel, which determines the origin of the formation of its lamellar morphology. The role of the dislocation substructure defining character poligonization rearrangements in the cell walls of hot-strain austenite, as well as the interaction of dislocations with interstitial atoms and their complex compounds , which determines the course of the transience of pearlite transformation. The methods of metallographic analysis confirmed the formation of connections BN and atoms of boron influence on the features of structure formation in the steels of pearlite class. The results indicate that the rational choice of the chemical composition of the steel and modes of deformation and heat treatment it is possible to carry out a controlled management of processes of structure formation in rolled steel of high-carbon steels to achieve the required strength class of the metal in a stream of continuous wire mill.

Author Biographies

Parusov E. V., Iron and Steel Institute named Z.I. Nekrasov of the National Academy of Science of Ukraine

Ph. D., Senior Researcher

Gubenko S. I., National metallurgical academy of Ukraine

Dr. of  Sc. (Tech.), Prof.

Sychkov A. B., Iron and Steel Institute named Z.I. Nekrasov of the National Academy of Science of Ukraine

Ph. D.

Sahura L. V., Iron and Steel Institute named Z.I. Nekrasov of the National Academy of Science of Ukraine

Ph. D.



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