Influence of heating in the intercritical temperature interval on phase-structural transformations and mechanical properties of low-carbon steels



low-carbon low-alloy steel, plate iron, heat treatment, the intercritical temperature interval, microstructure, ultrafine grain


Abstract. The widely used plate iron low-carbon steels does not fully comply with the qualifying standards for mechanical properties. This makes it necessary the use of additional heat treatments, which increase is not enough high indicators toughness obtained, when random deviations from the standard technology. Methodology. The methods: qualitative and quantitative light metallography, electron microscopy. The purpose is to develop a economical heat treatment mode, which allows enhance the complex mechanical properties by analyzing effect of heating parameters in the intercritical temperature interval on the structure and properties of low-carbon low-alloy steels. Results. It is investigated the effect of heat treatments on the various modes of heating in the interval Ас1…Ас3 on the phase-structural transformations in steels and 09Mn2Si 10Mn2VNb. Heat treating mode has been proposed: heating to temperatures of 820 ... 770 °C, excerpt 1 hour followed by cooling, allowing to enhance the mechanical properties of the sheets after controlled rolling by forming a structure containing up to 45 % of ultrafine grain ferrite (up to 1 micron). Practical value. Based on the analysis of research results proposed regime which allows to increase low figures of plastic properties, obtained by random deviations in the process of controlled rolling.

Author Biography

Tkach T. V., State Higher Educational Establishment «Pridneprovsk State Academy of Civil Engineering and Architecture»

Department of Materials Science, junior researcher



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