Features of evalution of the drop weight tear testing speciment fractures of thermomechanical rolling steel



drop weight tear testing, X70, ductile constituent amount, laminations, «arrowhead» destruction


Purpose. The Drop Weight Tear Testing (DWTT) is the most effective method of evaluation of constructional metallurgical materials ability to stop the crack. The DWTT is realized in production conditions of delivery control as a quality of sheet and pipe products index. Results of such testing that are expressed as amount of ductile constituents and/or absorbed energy of destruction of the full-thickness specimens are the indicator of the breaking strength of the main metal of pipes and other high-loaded constructions of the responsible purpose. However, standards in force that define evaluation of these indicators, interpret the fracture type of modern steels ambiguously. It is necessary to analyze methodical variant reading of DWTT specimen fractures evaluation of thermomechanical rolling steels and determine features of their structure. Methodology. In this paper, the steel of the grade X70 after thermomechanical rolling is investigated by focus-beam microscopy and metallography. Results. Evaluation of ductile constituents of high-strength and high-ductile pipeline steels with laminations and «arrowhead» destructions by modern standards is subjective and ambiguous. It happens because these standards do not sufficiently take into account all features and variety of fracture structures and it needs further investigations for establishment of their quantity and quality characteristics. Features of DWTT fracture specimen’s structure of thermomechanical rolling steel are determined such as two types of laminations and «arrowhead» destruction. In addition, their difference is shown. Originality. Evaluation of fracture building for increasing of reliability and objectivity of ductile constituent determination of high-strength and high-ductile pipeline steels. Practical value. In this paper necessity of the methodical improvement of specimen fracture and ductile constituent amount evaluation of modern thermomechanical rolling high-ductile steels is proved.

Author Biographies

V. S. Vakhrusheva, State Higher Education Establishment “Pridneprovsk State Academy of Civil Engineering and Architecture”

Department of Materials Science and Treatment of Materials, Professor

Ye. A. Grimalovskaya, State Higher Education Establishment “Pridneprovsk State Academy of Civil Engineering and Architecture”

Department of Materials Science and Treatment of Materials, postgraduate student


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