Optimization of chemical composition and melting technology of 20Г2АФ steel
20Г2АФ type steel, mine workings shore up, nitrogen containing ferroalloys, optical microscope, vanadium nitridesAbstract
Purpose of the study. To determine the possibility of optimizing the chemical composition of 20Г2АФ steel within the range of standardized composition in order to reduce the consumption of ferroalloys and to increase the complex of mechanical properties of rolled products. Methodology. Investigation of the structural state of hot-rolled steel for the mine workings shore up was carried out using light microscopes Neophot 32 and Axiovert 200M MAT with AxioVision 4.6.3 software. The grain size was assessed in accordance with GOST 5639 by comparison with reference scales, stripes - according to GOST 5640, non-metallic inclusions - according to GOST 1778. Results. The optimization of the chemical composition of 20Г2АФ steel within the range of standardized composition was carried out. Recommendations have been developed that allow reducing the consumption of nitrogen-containing ferroalloys at the melting process of 20Г2АФ steel. Provided data on the influence of the basic alloying elements of 20Г2АФ steel on the mechanical properties of rolled products. Scientific novelty. It was found that at the melting process of 20Г2АФ steel the substantial saving in nitrogen-containing ferroalloys can be achieved while increasing the standardized mechanical characteristics of finished rolled products. Practical significance. The developed recommendations allow to significantly reduce the consumption of nitrogen-containing ferroalloys per ton of 20Г2АФ steel. Thus, it is possible to reduce the cost price of steelmaking of 20Г2АФ steel in industrial conditions. At the same time, due to the increasing the set of standardized mechanical characteristics of the mine workings shore up produced from 20Г2АФ steel, it is possible to replace it with a lighter by weight profile. This will ensure a substantial saving of metal and funds for the end-user of rolled products.
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