About the causes of increasing the corrosion speed under thin water layers


  • D. G. Korolyanchuk State Higher Education Establishment “Ukrainian State University of Chemical Technology”, Ukraine
  • V. G. Nefedov State Higher Education Establishment “Ukrainian State University of Chemical Technology”, Ukraine
  • V. I. Ovcharenko State Higher Education Establishment “Ukrainian State University of Chemical Technology”, Ukraine


corrosion, film of electrolyte, structure of water, electrical conductivity, current density


Purpose. Corrosion of metals and alloys causes significant economic damage. Annually about 25 % of the total amount of metal produced are losses from corrosion destruction. And the rate of corrosion under a thin film of moisture increases by 3...10 times compared with the rate of corrosion in the volume of water. Therefore, an urgent problem for studying is the investigation of the causes of corrosion under thin films of moisture and the development of methods of protection against it. Findings. It was found that the anomalously high corrosion rate of metals under thin films of water can be caused by an increase in the electrical conductivity of the gas − liquid interface due to the tunneling of charges along ordered surface structures. Originality. Possible causes of abnormally high corrosion rates under thin water films were identified. Practical significance. The results of the investigations make it possible to explain the processes of corrosion destruction of metals occurring under thin layers of water, in particular, in atmospheric corrosion.

Author Biographies

D. G. Korolyanchuk, State Higher Education Establishment “Ukrainian State University of Chemical Technology”

Department of Materials Science, assistant

V. G. Nefedov, State Higher Education Establishment “Ukrainian State University of Chemical Technology”

Department of Electrochemical Production Technology and Electrical Engineering, Dr. Sc. (Tech.), Prof.

V. I. Ovcharenko, State Higher Education Establishment “Ukrainian State University of Chemical Technology”

Department of Materials Science, Cand. Sc. (Tech.), Ass. Prof.


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