Effects of temperature of austenitization on the dispersion of the pearlite carbon steel
carbon steel, temperature austenitization, dispersion of perlite, regular modeAbstract
Shows the effect of temperature austenitization on the dispersion of the pearlite carbon steel. The dispersion of pearlite in carbon steels depends on the size of austenitic grains, which determines the stability of the austenite, and a number of other factors. The influence of grain size on the dispersion of perlite is manifested through the reduction of the grain boundary surface and, consequently, the energy boundaries of the austenite. With increasing temperature austenitization increases the number of special boundaries, which also leads to lower energy boundaries. It is also shown that with increasing temperature austenitization shows the effect of thermal factors. The most important of these factors include the actual increase of the cooling rate in the subcritical temperature range (700–720 °C) with increasing temperature, austenitization. The effect of temperature of austenitization on the actual cooling rate in the subcritical temperature range can also be displayed, if the processes of rolled steel with the application of the theory of regular mode. With regular cooling mode, the rolled steel is cooled at maximum speed. The onset of the regular mode in the temperature range of ferrite-pearlite transformation occurs at higher temperature austenitization, and for bainite and martensitic temperature actual cooling rate is practically independent of this factor. Regular cooling mode occurs, provided that the criterion of the Fourier equal to or greater than the number of 0,25. If you raise the temperature of austenitization, while establishing a regular mode will not change because it is determined by the physical and geometrical characteristics of the rolled steel. When selecting the cooling mode of steel products with special heating should take into account the actual cooling rate in ferrite-pearlite spacing, which may be significantly less than the maximum possible rate at these temperatures. Usually, the actual cooling rate in ferrite-pearlite spacing increases with increasing temperature, austenitization, and in bainite-martensitic interval the actual cooling rate is practically independent of this factor.
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