Fractal modeling of the structure of low-carbon steel
mechanical properties, microstructure, fractal dimension, model, sensitivity criterionAbstract
. Introduction. The incompleteness of formal axiomatics in identifying the structure of many materials is a consequence of the complex geometric shape of its elements. For adequate approximation of the structure elements, it is not enough to use standard techniques that are based on Euclidean geometry. The use of the language of fractal geometry allows to partially eliminate the incompleteness of formal axiomatics through the use of fractal (fractional) dimensions. Materials and techniques. The object of the study was Ст3пс mild steel. The composition, structure and properties of steel are given. A method for calculating the fractal dimension developed by the authors is described. Results and its discussion. An algorithm is proposed for fractal modeling of the structure and properties of Ст3 low carbon steel, which is based on establishing the limits of self-similarity of the structure; calculation of the spectrum of dimensions of the elements of the structure; determining the sensitivity between the quality criteria of the metal and the dimensional characteristics of the structure; formalization of the results. Conclusions. The regularities of the influence of the fractal dimension of the Ст3 structure elements on the mechanical properties are established. The developed models make it possible to predict the properties of mild steel depending on the transformations of its microstructure due to the effects of heat treatment.
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