Influence of heat sources and shielding gases on properties of material when producing aviation details by direct growth method
additive technologies, direct energy deposition, cold metal transfer, shielding gases, argon-helium mixtureAbstract
Abstract. The purpose of the research is to determine at what source of heating and with the use of which shielding gas the deposited material will have the highest values of physical and mechanical characteristics. It is necessary to assess the quality, size and uniformity of distribution of the deposited layers, the geometry of obtained surface. To perform the tasks set in this work, we applied the methods of research of the chemical composition, structure and properties of the experimental alloys. We used the methods of qualitative and quantitative assessment of structural components, the determination of physical, mechanical and structural properties of the material under study. The object of the study was the AlSi5 alloy grown using two parameters affecting the quality of the grown material - heat sources: electric arc and welding arc with cold metal transfer (CMT − Cold Metal Transition) in argon. The main indicators of the properties of the aluminum alloy, which were determined in the experiment, are following: tensile strength (σв), yield strength (σ0.2), elongation (δ). As a result of the research, it was revealed that the influence of heat sources on the formation of the surface of the deposited plates, the samples obtained by the method of plasma-jet facing have a protrusion of the deposited layers of the lateral surface to a height of 1.5 mm. Samples obtained by the method of electric arc welding both in argon and helium have a height of up to 0.3 mm. Analysis of the chemical composition showed that each source of heating made it possible to ensure the chemical composition of the finished product, corresponding to the chemical composition of the original material. The CMT process provided the most accurate distribution of alloying elements. The physicomechanical properties of the plates obtained by the direct growth method are approximately at the same level with the materials that were obtained by traditional casting methods. The highest values of mechanical properties have the samples obtained by the method of SMT facing: σв = 19 МPa; σ0.2, = 13 МPa; δ = 12 %, which can be explained by more dispersed structure. The scientific novelty of the research lies in the fact that the influence of each heat source on the change in the physical and mechanical properties was revealed. Effect of shielding gas during electric arc surfacing. The evaluation of the interchangeability of these processes in the manufacture of aircraft parts by the method of direct growth. The practical significance of the study allows us to determine which source of heating is more appropriate to use in order to obtain the necessary properties for a particular process.
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ДСТУ EN ISO 18273:2018 Материалы сварочные. Электроды, проволока и прутки для сварки алюминия и его сплавов. Классификация (EN ISO 18273:2015, IDT; ISO 18273:2015, IDT).
Additive Manufacturing of aluminum alloys. Light Metal Age.Available, 2018.
Standardization Roadmap for Additive Manufacturing. Version 1.0. America Makes and ANSI Additive Manufacturing Standardization Collaborative (AMSC), 2017.
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Wire-feed additive manufacturing might be the future of metal-based 3D printing.
Ding J., Colegrove P., Mehnen J., Ganguly S., Sequeira Almeida P. M.,Wang F. and Williams S. Thermo-mechanical analysis of Wire and Arc Additive Layer Manufacturing process on large multi-layer parts. Computational Materials Science, 2011, vol. 50 (12), pp. 3315–3322.
Pickin C.G., Williams S.W. and Lunt M. Characterisation of the cold metal transfer (CMT) process and its application for low dilution cladding. Journal of Materials Processing Technology, 2011, vol. 211(3), pp. 496−502.
Pickin C.G. and Young K. Evaluation of cold metal transfer (CMT) process for welding aluminium alloy. Science and Technology of Welding and Joining, 2006, vol. 11(5), pp. 583−585.
Gu J., Cong B., Ding J., Williams S. W. and Zhai Y. Wire + Arc additive manufacturing of aluminium. Proc. 25th Int. Solid Freeform Fabrication Symp. University of Texas, 2014, pp. 451–458.
Ouyang J.H., Wang H. and Kovacevic R. Rapid prototyping of 5356-aluminum alloy based on variable polarity gas tungsten arc welding : process control and microstructure. Materials and Manufacturing Processes, 2002, vol. 17 (1), pp. 103–124.
Gnatenko M. and Zhemaniuk P. Detecting the influence of heat sources on material properties when prodaction aviation parts by a direct energy deposition method. Eastern-European Journal of Enterprise Technologies, no. 1/12(97), 2019, pp. 49–55.
DSTU EN ISO 18273:2018. Materialy svarochnye. Elektrody, provoloka i prutki dlya svarki alyuminiya i ego splavov [Welding materials. Electrodes, wires and rods for welding aluminum and its alloys]. Klassifikaciya (EN ISO 18273:2015, IDT; ISO 18273:2015, IDT). [Classification (EN ISO 18273:2015, IDT; ISO 18273:2015, IDT)]. (in Russian).
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