Determination of the area of compromise of mechanical properties of steel 40
steel 40, mechanical properties, chemical composition, structure, compromise areaAbstract
Abstract. Problem statement. The production of metal products with a given set of mechanical characteristics is an urgent task of modern materials science. To solve this problem, it was suggested that a mathematical apparatus should be used, it would allow, without conducting full-scale tests, to predict a given set of properties of metal products with minimal costs. Object of study. The object of research is the mechanical properties and chemical composition of medium carbon steel 40, used in various fields of the national economy of Ukraine. Materials and methods. Steel 40 (after factory delivery) has a ferrite-perlite structure containing perlite within 46 ... 56%. In addition, it has a lower content of harmful elements: sulfur and phosphorus (according to GOST 1050-88). The structure of the steel was investigated using the method of optical microscopy. Results and discussion. The analysis of the influence of elements of the chemical composition of steel 40 on its mechanical properties was carried out. The graph-analytical method defines the working areas of the selected technology parameters, depending on the properties, which allow to predict the mechanical properties of the investigated steel. In the working areas of the parameters, the compromise area of the mechanical properties is determined. The compromise area is an area with a suboptimal ratio of strength and plasticity characteristics. Conclusions. The area of the compromise of the mechanical properties of steel 40 is obtained, depending on the influence of the elements of the chemical composition. This approach allows us to determine the given complex of mechanical characteristics of the metal already in the process of its production, depending on the customer's requirements and regulatory documents on the quality of metal products.
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