Splitting up of non-metallic inclusions in the process of speed melting with laser action
steel, non-metallic inclusions, laser action, melting, splittingAbstract
Abstract. Purpose. The purpose of this work was to study the fragmentation of non-metallic inclusions in the process of their high-speed melting and crystallization during laser processing. Methodology. Materials for research were industrial steels containing various non-metallic inclusions. Samples of various steels with a pre-polished surface were subjected to laser irradiation at the GOS-30M and KVANT-16 installations. Findings. The features of contact melting of non-metallic inclusions under conditions of anomalous mass transfer, which promotes the crushing of inclusions in the surface layer of hardened steel products, were investigated. It is shown that crushing of inclusions during laser processing is a factor that determines the level of hardening of steels. Originality. The study of the processes of high-speed melting and solidification suggests that laser irradiation is a method of changing the structure and properties of non-metallic inclusions in surface hardened layers of steel products. Practical value. The using of the obtained results will allow us to develop laser processing modes that allow us to influence the size, structure, distribution and content of inclusions in the hardened layers.
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