Structure and new electrochemical properties of the cathode material for the chemical current sources


  • S, I. Pinchuk National Metallurgical Academy of Ukraine, Ukraine
  • O. M. Levko National Metallurgical Academy of Ukraine, Ukraine


thin single-layered and multiple-layered composite carbon-ceramic coatings, cathode material, electric energy chemical source, voltampere and galvanostatic cycling


Insufficient battery capacity for long-term durability in standalone mode is a highly significant issue in modern power supply cells. Manufacturing problems of electric energy chemical sources is topical and feasible problem. Chemical sources of electric energy have evident dependence between operational, electrochemical in particular, properties of cathodes and functional coating structure. Thus, analysis of structure formation mechanism during cathode and anode manufacturing allows to receive highly technological energy source with wide variety of operational properties, such as discharge rate, specific capacity and others. Paper objectives. Investigate influence of single-layered and multiple-layered composite carbon-ceramic coatings on cathode operational properties for electric energy chemical source. Conclusions. It was specified during the investigation, that there are dependence patterns between structure of investigated coatings and cathode electrochemical properties, which in turn helped to optimize electrode structure of new cathode materials, as a perspective material for electric energy chemical sources. Experimental investigation of operational properties of pilot samples of thin batteries with new cathodes showed high efficacy of its usage as electric energy chemical source for microsystem engineering. Self-discharge was around 3 % during first month of investigation.

Author Biographies

S, I. Pinchuk, National Metallurgical Academy of Ukraine

Department of coatings, composite materials and the protection of metals, Dr. Sc. (Tech.), Prof.

O. M. Levko, National Metallurgical Academy of Ukraine

Department of coatings, composite materials and the protection of metals, Cand. Sc. (Tech.), Ass. Prof.


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