Development surface energy of interphase grain boundaries at diffusion γ→α transformation
Structure, the fine structure, surface energy, interphase boundaries, pearlite colonies quasievtektoid colonyAbstract
Purpose. Determination of the specific surface energy (tension) of interphase borders, formed bу the diffusion γ→α transformation, over the cross section of a thick sheet of low carbon micro-alloyed steel 10G2FB; Methodology. Using the Yang equation for the analysis of triple junctions. Findings. Research efforts revealed that interphase boundaries of the austenite-ferrite have an impact on the formation of pearlite component of low carbon steel. Conversely, the boundary between the ferrite components of pearlite colonies have no effect on surface energy of the boundaries between ferrite and perlite, since these borders have arose after the triple junctions were formed between the boundaries of the austenite-ferrite. Originality. The establishment of of influence of the surface energy of the borders on the formation of the final structure of metal rolling of low carbon micro-alloyed steels Practical value. Adjustment modes of production of rolled metal products for building metal constructions. The ability to improve complex of mechanical properties of metal constructions by obtaining in the structure nanoscale elements.
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