Possibility of the identification of calculative irreducible systems



simulation, billiard problem, strange attractor, fractal, calculative irreducible system


Case history. A performance search, reflecting the state of the calculative irreducible systems (CIS) (reflecting points systems), led the scientists to the study of the geometric properties of strange attractors, which tend to have сantor or fractal structure repeating itself on a smaller scale. Object of study. Calculative irreducible systems. Results and discussion. We consider a Lorentz billiard task. On the basis of theoretical research and experimentation, it is argued that the global instability of the system takes place even when there is only one ball on the table, provided that at least one of the pool table walls is convex to the inside. It becomes apparent, global instability leads to the fact that the behavior of the system becomes chaotic (unpredictable) and the whole entire phase space is filled evenly. Identification of such systems can only be done by reference to literature and art, as only the mind and intuition, can display the nuances that occur in these systems. In this regard, an intermediary, in the identification of calculative irreducible systems, is the process of the hypotheses creating about their possible behavior in different situations. Since all these actions are assigned to the researcher, he is also responsible for the of heuristics prcedures formulation, which are intended to achieve the necessary credibility of the hypotheses. For each system are put relevant only to its hypothesis and heuristics procedures forward. Nevertheless, there is a list of the main hypotheses, which are included in the analysis of practice any system (even a calculative irreducible), these are hypothesis: of their potential falsifiability, confirmation, simplicity, beauty, and explanation. Conclusions. It is shown that the identification of calculative irreducible systems can only be done by reference to literature and the arts, because only mind and intuition of man can reflect all possible nuances that occur in these systems.

Author Biographies

V. I. Bolshakov, State Higher Educational Establishment “Prydniprovs’ka State Academy of Civil Engineering and Architecture”

Department of Materials Science, Dr. Sc. (Tech.), Prof.

Yu. I. Dubrov, State Higher Educational Establishment “Prydniprovs’ka State Academy of Civil Engineering and Architecture”

Department of Materials Science, Dr. Sc. (Tech.), Prof.



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