The effect of strength characteristics on the regularities of change in ductile properties of structural Ti alloys
Mechanical stability, optimization of properties, parabolic dependence, convexity and concavity, radius of curvature of parabolaAbstract
The issue on the behaviour of dependences of ductile characteristics on strength at the constant mechanical stability is considered for structural Ti alloys. It is ascertained that alloys are differentiated in two types characterizing by higher and lower ductility at given strength . It is shown that such differentiation doesn’t depend on the ratio of strain hardening exponents at strains less and greater than the uniform one. It is established that dependence has parabolic behaviour of certain type at =const, and this type corresponds to certain type of alloy on the basis of the convexity or concavity, It is exhibited that behaviour of at =const is pre-determined by the ratio of yield stress to ultimate strength . Rapid technique for ranging of structural alloys is offered. Specific features of behaviour of parameter is studied, and it relation with basic mechanical characteristics of metal is found. Method for measurement of change in ductility at change in strength at given level of mechanical stability is suggested on the basis of the value of radius of curvature R in parabola tip. Regularities of change in this value for each type of alloys are ascertained.
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