Prospects of applying ferrite sheet steels in the food industry
Corrosion resistance ferrite steel, food industry, heat resistanceAbstract
Purpose. Evaluate the possibility of applying a sheet material of 08H8SYuTch 08Kh18T1 grades of steels and for the manufacture of heat-resistant parts of nodes for furnace fittings. Techniques. The sheet material of 08H8SYuTch 08Kh18T1 grades of steel is obtained on the basis of previously developed recommendations for modes of additional thermal strip plate treatment. Obtained parts and nodes of heat-resistant fittings were assembled on the "Minelli-100" furnace, which have been operated for two years. Results. It was found that there is a partial precipitation of carbides and there duction of hot work hardening level based on the appropriate heat treatment conditions, while maintaining the fine grainat 6 points, which generally has a positiv eeffect on the formability during rolling process. In carryin gout aditional thermal treatment of hot-rolled strip plate there is a selection both iron chromium carbide (Cr, Fe)23C6 and more difficult soluble carbonitrides Ti(C, N) in the structure, which leads to slower migration of angleboundaries at thermal effects including welding heating. The intermediate review of existing furnaces showed that at operating temperatures of 550–850 °C there was only a change of the colour from light blue to gray on the parts but a thin, dense oxides cale appeared on the most heated places on the furn aceparts. The practical significance. The use of the proposed grade of steels for manufacturin gparts for heat-resistantfurnace fittings made it possible to increase the service life of the furnacesin 1.5–2 times.
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