Principles of forecasting patterns of structural and mechanical embrittlement of structural alloys in given conditions of action of inhomogeneous force fields


  • A. V. Shiyan G. V. Kurdyumov Institute for Metal Physics of NAS of the Ukraine, Ukraine


mechanical stability, stress concentrators, heterogeneous force fields, structural and mechanical embrittlement, specific transition.


The question of the behavior patterns of structural and mechanical embrittlement of structural steels and titanium alloys under the action of non-uniform force fields. Confirmed the identity of the previously established patterns of structural and mechanical embrittlement of structural steels and titanium alloys and installed the main factors that influence their behavior. It is shown that the main factor that regulates the maintenance or change of behavior of mechanical properties of structural alloys under the action of force fields is inhomogeneous intensity changes its strain hardening when changing strength. Found that the effect of this factor is different for structural steels and titanium alloys. Found functional relationship between the radius of curvature r at the apex of a parabolic dependence of structural and mechanical embrittlement and the value of the theoretical stress concentration factor ασ. The principles of predicting patterns of structural and mechanical embrittlement of structural steels and titanium alloys in any given conditions of action of non-uniform force fields, as well as the method of determining the value of the indicator ασ the known experimental patterns of structural and mechanical embrittlement.

Author Biography

A. V. Shiyan, G. V. Kurdyumov Institute for Metal Physics of NAS of the Ukraine

Old restarch fell.


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