Secondary silumins of technological and mechanical properties increasing by improved refining-modifying processes
Secondary aluminum alloys, fluidity, linear shrinkage, porosity, modifier, fluxAbstract
Purpose. Due to the constant increase of aluminum alloys production and their scrap and waste accumulation there is the world problem of aluminum alloys production on the secondary raw materials base. The main secondary aluminum alloys shortcoming are the low technological and mechanical properties, which can be improved by refining processes and melt modification. Metodology. Optical microscopy, standard and special investigation methods application for mechanical and technological properties determination (fluidity, linear shrinkage, metal cast porosity). Findings. The influence of refining-modifying complexes on the structure and properties of secondary alloys AK9M2 and AK8M3 is studied. It’s found that an application of flux and modifier protected by Ukraine patents № 31862 «Aluminum alloys treatment flux» and № 32929 «Aluminum alloys modifier», can increase the easting level foundry and mechanical properties of secondary aluminum alloys. Originality. The resulting new concentration dependences describing the joint effect of the number of chips in the charge, the iron content in the alloy additives and modifiers for casting and mechanical properties of the secondary silumina AK9M2 allowed to optimize the refining process, modify and improve the processing and mechanical properties of the alloy. Practical value. It has been established that secondary silumin foundry and the mechanical properties increase may result in two-stage treatment of the molten metal with flux by Ukraine patent
№ 31862 «Aluminum alloys treatment flux» in the furnace and with modifier by the patent № 32929 «Aluminum alloys modifier» in the ladle. Two-stage process produces high metal quality, using 100% of recycled materials charge.
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