Estimation of mechanical properties of steel 15пс
steel, mechanical properties, chemical composition, structure, planning matrix, mathematical model,Abstract
Abstract. Formulation of the problem. Predicting the mechanical properties of structural carbon steels is of great scientific and practical importance. Along with the physical-mechanical methods of evaluating the properties of steels, mathematical methods are being actively implemented, which allows to save money and time for conducting cost exams. The relevance of this work is due to the difficulties that arise in assessing the accuracy of the prediction of real and model data. This is due to the multifactorial carbon steel manufacturing technology where even a slight change in the technology parameters can lead to a significant change in the quality criteria of the target product. The paper proposes to investigate the influence of elements of chemical composition and structure on the mechanical properties of structural steel 15пс using the methods of mathematical analysis. Method. Constructional steel 15пс (sheet thickness 14 mm according to ГОСТ 16523) was selected as the steel for the study. The technique of planning experiments at the levels of factors +1 and 1 is used to evaluate the mechanical properties of steel 15пс in the state of factory delivery on the basis of the analysis of the influence of elements ofchemical composition and structure. Results of the experiment. As a result of the implementation of the experiment planning matrix, dependencies were obtained describing the influence of the elements of the chemical composition and ferrite-pearlitic structure of the steel on the properties. The pairwise correlation coefficients of R2for predicting the tensile strength based on the effect of the elements of the chemical composition are 0,89, a relative elongation of 0,82. When forecasting mechanical properties based on the influence of ferrite-pearlite structure 0,77 and 0,75 respectively. The calculated Fisher and Cochran criteria confirm the adequacy of the obtained results of mathematical modeling of properties. Conclusions. Using the experiment planning matrix, a mathematical model for estimating the mechanical properties of 15пс steel was constructed. Based on the analysis of the coefficients of the equations, histograms were obtained describing the influence of the elements of the chemical composition on the properties of the metal. This approach will allow, without additional funds, to predict the tensile strength and elongation of steel 15пс not only at the end of the main technological cycle, but also in the process of production of rolled metal within the standard technology and regulatory documents.
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